Humbled by Generosity

It is so hard to believe that we have been back in Ireland for over a month now. As soon as we got back, after jet lag mostly passed, we have been busy with so many different things. Catching up with neighbours, friends, and church members. (We are finally able to meet with people in…

God is Working

If you have listened to Christian Radio over the last year, chances are you have heard the song, “Waymaker.” There is a part in that song that goes like this:  Even when I don’t see it, You’re working  Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working You never stop, You never stop working Those lyrics…

Just a Walk?

Written by Luke Swain A few weeks ago, I was taking Ava for a walk around our neighbourhood. To say that it didn’t start out well would be putting it lightly. Before we even got out of our driveway, one of our dogs, Allie, ran out on the road and was nearly hit by a…

Prayer Campaign for Building Project

Dear family, friends, and partners, We are so thankful for each one of you. All of you in some way are supporting the church that God is planting in Moycullen, Ireland. Thank you for that!  When reflecting on what God has done during the first three years of the church plant, we simply marvel. All…

Prayer Calendar January 2019

It’s hard to believe we’re rapidly getting into 2019 already! We want to sincerely thank all of you who have been committed to praying for us and our ministry throughout this past year. God has done some remarkable things, and your prayers are a huge part of that! Please continue to pray for us, especially…

October 2018 Prayer Calendar

October is an exciting and busy month for us with all our traveling taking place and getting to see friends and family we haven’t seen in a long time. The majority of the prayers we are asking for this month have a lot to do with our presentations, travel safety, and time with family. Please…

September 2018 Prayer Calendar

There are lots of exciting things to pray about this coming month! Please take the time to print out our prayer calendar so you can know some specific ways to pray for us and our ministry throughout the month. Thank you for your prayers and support! You can print by opening up the pdf file…

August 2018 Prayer Calendar

Thank you for committing to pray for us and our ministry. Please use this calendar as a way to pray specifically each for something that is important and relevant to us at the moment. You can open the pdf and print it, or right click the image, open in a new tab, and go to…

July 2018 Prayer Calendar

Hi everyone! Thanks for committing yourself to praying for us and our ministry each day. We are SO thankful for you! We don’t think even for a second that any of what goes on here would be possible without Jesus and the power of prayer. Keep it up! As always, here’s some specifics to pray…

June Prayer Calendar

Thank you for committing to pray for us and our ministry here. God is doing some amazing things in Moycullen and we pray that He will start a revival all around Ireland! This calendar gives some specific ways you can pray for us, the church here, and the people of Ireland. To print it out,…

May 2018 Prayer Calendar

We fully believe that every good thing comes from God. We can accomplish nothing without Him. We sincerely ask you to keep us and our ministry here in your daily prayers. God is doing some awesome things here, but it could totally fall apart if we begin to leave Him out of the equation and…

Bibelschule Brake

Our job as missionaries involves a variety of tasks, some of which I never really considered before. One of those tasks is being in charge of interns. Another is trying to recruit more people to come be missionaries and join our team. So with those two things in mind, we left a few days early…